The Cleaning Power of Sunlight
Have you ever wondered why you get colds or the flu during colder seasons but not during warmer ones? It’s because sunlight, or specifically the UV rays in sunlight, can kill viruses & bacteria.…
Invest in Your Smile, Invest in Yourself
If you’re like most people, spending time & money at the dentist’s office probably isn’t on your list of your favorite things to do. Are your teeth really worth that kind of commitment?…
The Importance of Prevention
Most of our body is capable of healing. When we get a bruise, it’s often only a few days before it disappears. Even more serious injuries can be mended relatively quickly. But our teeth are…
When You Need More Than a Filling
Tooth decay is a nasty condition that can wreak havoc on your pearly whites. If you’ve ever fallen victim to the wrath of cavity-causing oral bacteria, you know that a filling is one of the best ways…
You Can Still Afford Dental Care Without Insurance
We know that paying for healthcare can be a hassle. Navigating the different costs of medical & dental providers is more than enough to give most people a headache, especially when you’re…
Brushing with Braces
When you have braces placed on your teeth, your dentist should explain proper care & hygiene for your new smile in the making. However, it can be difficult to remember specifics, so here’s a…
Why Does My Mouth Taste Like Soap?
Maybe this has happened to you. You wake up, get ready for the day, but when you take your first bite of breakfast, it tastes like soap. Maybe you made your oatmeal in a dish that hadn’t been fully…
Hobbies That Improve Dentistry Skills
Dentists need steady hands & keen hand-eye coordination to do their jobs well. In fact, dental schools typically test for those qualities before they allow individuals to join dentistry programs.…
In Space, Dental Health Is a Must
Being an astronaut is one of the flashy & popular professions young people aspire to become. If your kid stares at the stars & spins on carnival rides to gain the right stuff, they should…
What to Know About Fluorosis
Dental professionals love to talk about fluoride. This substance is naturally occurring & benefits dental health by strengthening tooth enamel. Dental professionals usually recommend toothpaste…