3 Ways to Re-Shape Your Smile Without Braces
When people think of a smile makeover, many people think of braces. And it's true that braces can create a very powerful before and after image. However, not every smile makeover involves braces.
Not Everyone Loses All Their Baby Teeth (Milk Teeth)!
While most people finish losing their primary teeth (also called baby teeth or milk teeth) by age 12, there are some adults who still have at least one baby tooth! Still having a baby tooth is…
How Pregnancy Can Affect Your Oral Health
Among the many changes that women experience in their bodies when they become pregnant, changes to their oral health may be among the most surprising and perplexing.
Why Hollywood Needs to Stop Hating on Root Canals
Root canals have a bad reputation they don't deserve and we think Hollywood is to blame. Movies and television shows often portray root canal therapy as a painful and frightening procedure. The truth…
Dentists Don't Use Novocain Anymore!
Dentists no longer use Novocain when treating patients. No, this doesn't mean we've somehow managed to make dentistry completely painless (we wish!).
You Can Still Get Cavities on a Paleo Diet!
The paleo diet is a nutritional lifestyle that only includes the types of foods that paleolithic humans (a.k.a. cavemen) had access to. Among many other health benefits, many people who advocate for…
You Might Be Brushing Your Teeth Wrong
Brushing your teeth is such a routine habit that you may forget that there's a right and a wrong way to do it. But proper brushing is super important for preventing tooth decay and gum disease!
Even More Ways You're Brushing Your Teeth Wrong
As something we all do every day, it might be surprising that many people do not brush their teeth correctly. While doing it wrong is a lot better than not doing it at all, brushing your teeth…
What to Do About Wisdom Tooth Pain
Wisdom tooth pain is a fairly common complaint and is often the result of these third molars coming in during a person's late teens or early adulthood. However, it is also common for wisdom teeth to…
Three Dental Symptoms You Should Never Ignore
Your mouth has many ways of letting you know that something has changed or may be wrong. Nevertheless, when we ask patients whether anything is bothering them about their smile, we find out they've…